Monday, May 16, 2011

Coconut chammanthi (Dry chutney)

This is  a typical Kerala chutney which goes well kanji or curd rice. This is my husband's favorite chutney.
I learnt this from my Mother-in-Law.

1 cup coconut grated ( preferably fresh )
red chillies- 10 -12
tamarind - 1 piece
a small piece of ginger (grated)
1/2 tsp pepper corns
salt to taste.

Grind all the above ingredients in mixie WITHOUT WATER. Don't grind into a fine paste.
Keep it somewhat coarse.
Dry roast it for 3 minutes in a pan for longer shelf life.
Store it in a dry and air tight container.
Refrigerate it can use it for a month.

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