Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pavaikai Fry (Bitter Gourd)

This recipe gave me some hope at last.My daughter had 5 rings of these.It was very easy to cook also.
you can even do shallow frying .When shallow frying,cook on low heat and just cover it for 30 secs or so .

Pavakai Fry

Bitter gourd- 3
besan- 3tbsp
rice flour- 2tbsp
corn flour - 1tbsp
red chilli pwd- 1tsp
salt - to taste
turmeric pwd- 1/2tsp
oil- for deep frying


Cut bitter gourd into rings and remove the center portion.
Sprinkle some salt and keep it aside for 15 minutes.Then wash it well, this way it removes
some of the bitterness.
Mix all the powders in a bowl.Add these rings. and keep it aside for 20 minutes.
Deep fry these rings in batches.Do not over crowd them.
Serve hot with rasam or curd rice.

Pavaikai, bittergourd

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