Sunday, November 8, 2015


Hmm! Who doesn't like Mysorpak? The most wanted sweet by all! I have tried it 4-5 times .Every time I try  it is either hard or crunchy. But this time it turned out as soft as Krishna Sweets Mysorpak. Actually it used to be a big deal in those days.We had experienced people come over to our home and make sweets and savories for Diwali! You need two people to make this sweet.But these days it easy.The amount of time, the besan is roasted also gives the right color. If you roast it for more time, it might turn a dark brown color.Even the sugar syrup must be right, otherwise it will turn into hard candy. To make sure that it is the perfect consistency, follow the String method. Confused? The String Method is whenever you touch the sugar syrup between your thumb and index finger, it should form a single string.



Besan-1 cup
sugar-1 cup
ghee-1 cup
water 1/4 cup

Sieve the flour.
In a non stick pan roast the besan with 1 tsp ghee for 3 min until raw smell goes.
In a bowl add the besan and 3/4 cup of ghee and mix well until no lumps are there.
Keep it aside for 15-20 min.Now take a large plate with rim and grease it with ghee
In a big non stick pan add water and sugar. Boil on medium heat until you get one string consistency.
Now add the liquid besan into the pan. And stir continuously by adding  the remaining ghee,1 tsp at a time.
Stir until the mixture does not stick to the pan. For me it took about 5-6 minutes.
Now pour this hot mixture into the greased plate. Allow it cool and cut it into desired shape.

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