Monday, May 2, 2011

Plain zucchini salad

This is simple and an excellent salad to be during any time!The skin is thin so no need to peel .Just enjoy them in Indian style.

Zuchinni Salad

Zuchinni – 1  or 2 chopped into thin cubes
Oil – 1 Tbsp
Mustard Seeds – 1/2 tsp
Green Chilies/red chilli flakes –1 finely chopped
Salt – to taste
Lime Juice – 1 Tbsp or to taste
Cilantro – 1 tsp, finely chopped
Heat oil in a pan ,add mustard seeds,green chilies,salt and lime juice and stir.
Now add Zucchini and toss to cook for 2 minutes.
Transfer into a salad bowl.Garnish with cilantro leaves.
Serve as a side dish or eat as a snack.
zuchinni salad

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