Friday, May 18, 2012

Mint Chutney

This is good for dosa or idlis and even sandwich.If you add coconut it will taste  like South Indian chutney otherwise it will be the mint chutney we usually have with cutlets or samosas.

Mint Chutney

Mint - 1bunch
coriander- 1/2 bunch
coconut- 1/4 cup
green chillies-4
tamarind- small marble size
urad dhal- 1tsp
Bengal dhal-1tsp
salt- to taste
asafoetida- 1/8 tsp


Wash and chop the leaves.
Heat 1/2 tsp ,add urad dhal, bengal dhal ,asafoetida and tamarind.
Now add the leaves and saute until the leaves wilt.
Now add the coconut and salt and 30 secs.
Cool and then grind it in mixie.

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