Friday, June 17, 2011

Kerala Porota

Maida- 1 lb
water - as required
salt - 1tsp
oil - 100 gms
powered sugar-2 tsp(sieve along with maida)
milk-1/2  cup

In a bowl mix maida and 2tsp oil.Mix till it looks like bread crumbs.
Now add salt, sugar, water and milk.Knead into a soft dough.
Divide the dough into even sized balls and roll them out like a chapathi .
Drizzle little oil on the chapathi, fold it into fan shape(like pleats) and curl them into spiral shapes.
Repeat for the divided portions of dough.Cover it with a muslin cloth.Let it be for 3 hrs.

Roll out the spiral balls like a roti. not so thin nor thick.
Heat a tawa put the porota and add oil on top or ghee along the edges
let it cook for 1 -2 min.Flip it and repeat the same.
The porota will split into layers.
After making 4 porotas, keep them on your kitchen top and beat them clapping hands.
This will separate the layers.
Serve hot with some spicy chicken curry

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